TimeBucks intro
TimeBucks is an Australian company, and the people behind it present it as a platform where you can earn extra money, which we will write about a little later. That is correct, as we saw for ourselves while testing it, but that’s not the main benefit of this site, in our opinion. What was much more interesting to us was the possibility of advertising, which we will cover in the next paragraph.

How to advertise
We will talk about advertising first because it is in line with the theme of our site, and in our opinion it is a bigger advantage than the relatively small earnings (in most cases) that can be made through the TimeBucks platform.
Let’s start with the types of ads you can pay for. At the time of this writing (6/2020), there are four types of campaigns available:
- Click
- Signup
- Assignment
- TikTok
Click campaigns are a very effective way to get the desired engagement for very little money. Some of the parameters that the system will ask you for are title, description, URL, and targeting. You’ll also need to set a budget for the entire campaign, which can be as little as $1. It may be possible to invest even less than that, but we haven’t tried that because this is a really small amount of money anyway. What you get even for a dollar is phenomenal because the minimum cost per click is $0.002. This would mean that for $1 you get 500 clicks to the desired URL.
If it just occurred to you to direct clicks straight to some affiliate products, think again, because most affiliate programs clearly indicate in their terms of use that such a thing is not allowed. In other words, you can direct your audience to your landing page for example, from where they will have the option to go to affiliate links, but in most cases you should not point people’s attention directly to affiliate links. This is said just so you would keep in mind that fair practices should be applied when it comes to advertising.
Of course, there are various purposes when it comes to buying clicks, such as directing the audience to a YouTube channel or video, blog, Instagram account, etc. So there are a lot of options, where we leave you to decide what you will use this great type of campaign for.
Signup campaigns are probably a clear option, but let’s clarify it just in case. So, this type of campaign allows you to buy referrals for any site that benefits you. The only exception is the TimeBucks site itself, you can’t buy referrals for it.
When you start making a campaign, at the very beginning it is clearly emphasized what is allowed to do and what is not, ie. what kind of campaigns can be made. The bottom line is this – anything where new users are required to pay for something (at least initially) is not allowed. Adult sites are also out of reach with this type of advertising. Another thing that is important to note is that advertisers are not allowed to ask for anything other than signing up through this type of campaign.
After entering the link you are interested in, you will select the details related to targeting. It is important to note that each type of campaign has a minimum price (per person) that you must pay for the part of the world you are targeting. So, for example, in some cases it will cost you three times more to direct traffic to North America than, for example, to Africa.
Certainly, this is an interesting type of campaign, which depending on your idea and knowledge can be very lucrative for you in the long run. And it is also interesting that you will be able to choose which user has fulfilled the required when it comes to membership, and which has not. Based on the evidence in the form of screenshots provided by users, you have the option to approve or reject anyone’s entry. This way you will have some form of control over your campaigns.
Task campaigns give you the most freedom and the ability to make a detailed request when it comes to the service you pay for. The choice of type of services here is quite large, and the number of ways you can formulate the task is practically unlimited because you form the requirements yourself.
This type of campaign is set by first selecting one of a dozen categories on offer. Some of the categories we find interesting are social media engagement, social media subscription and webpage engagement or click.
When you have selected a category, you’ll need to set the targeting, the cost of completing the task (per person), the total campaign budget… so the same as you chose for the previous types of tasks. What differs here is that you need to enter a detailed description of what you want the user to do, where you are not limited to just one action. Of course, keep in mind that no one will be willing to do much for a small amount of money, so judge for yourself, based on similar tasks you can find on the site, what you can look for for the money you planned to spend.
It is important to note here that you can choose between three types of evidence by which users will confirm what has been done – screenshot, text input or both. Another very important thing is the fact that no task will be automatically approved instantly – your verification and approval will be required. This approval process may take some time, but it gives you complete control over your campaign. As a last resort, there is an “approve all” option if you do not have time or do not want to deal with checks. However, if you do not approve or reject the completed tasks within the period of four days, the system will approve them for you automatically.
Task campaigns are perhaps the best option because you have the freedom to organize them however you want and to achieve the desired effect in the most efficient way.
TikTok campaigns are a bit specific, but also an interesting type of task.
After choosing the title and description of your campaign, you will be able to choose whether you want the user performing the task to do a duet (one of the TikTok posting options) or a sound promotion, which would actually be a promotion of some of your songs. Both options imply that you already have existing material ready. Also, the TimeBucks website says that there should be a video upload as the third option for advertising, but the system does not show it to us in the drop-down menu.
What is phenomenal when it comes to this type of campaign is that your audience is actually a whole TikTok audience. That is now, in the middle of 2020, according to a source from the TimeBucks site, some 650 million people! That is a huge audience and a great advertising opportunity!

How to earn money
When it comes to the “earn” tab on this site, there are a lot of options. Since our, and probably our readers’ interest is focused on business and investing in it, we will not go into details regarding earnings, but we will mention a couple of interesting things and list the options that exist.
As for earning options, we will share them in the same way as they are (at least currently) shared on the site itself. So, there are the following options:
- Surveys
- Content
- Clicks
- Slideshows
- Captcha
- Night Fall News
- Engage
- Push Clicks
- Videos
- Tasks
- Signups
- TikTok
- Refer
- TimeBucks
- Roll
- Job Listing
- Offerwalls
- Ali Express
- Links
- Sweepstakes
- Upload
Now, the truth is that there could be a lot of story material here. However, you should keep in mind that you can earn from $0.001 per task, up to $0.875 for some surveys (this depends on the part of the world you are in – the same surveys are not available everywhere). Given that it takes a lot of effort or at least a lot of time for individual tasks, what we can say is that the profitability is questionable. On the other hand, that says another thing – this site is not a scam. Of course, there are more indicators than mentioned when it comes to recognizing a scam, but we tried this site ourselves and made sure that it works and is legitimate.
However, there will be people who will see earnings through this site as entertainment. And there may be those who will dedicate serious time to earn some money worth the effort. Either way, it’s worth a try, especially because the most persistent and successful ones can win from $5 to $250 a week in the Sweepstakes category as a bonus, in addition to what they earned that week.
Another thing worth mentioning would be the affiliate program to which you get access by opening an account to use this website. And the program is phenomenally designed. By using the TimeBucks affiliate program, you will not only make money on everyone you recommend (who make money through the platform), but also on those who invest money to advertise. Percentages range from 10% to 50% depending on what service your referral uses on the site, and that’s great, we have to admit. You will also receive money from those who join through your referred users, with a slightly lower commission, five levels deep. This means that if you create a good enough network of active users, your commissions can be very high, so this option is worth considering.
As for the listed earning options, you can find all the details on the TimeBucks site. Each category has an explanation of how each task is performed when you start creating a campaign.

During testing and using this site, we made sure that it is legitimate, as we have already mentioned. It is very well designed and constantly updated, so you may have more than the mentioned options when you log in. To create an account and start earning or investing, click here.
So, this site has a lot of advantages such as numerous earning options and very affordable advertising. As an advertiser, you have control over some types of campaigns, and it’s up to you to approve someone’s work or not.
Also, this platform has some flaws, of which we would mention the base of about 200k international users. That base is not as big as some that exist. In addition, you will have relatively modest options when it comes to targeting. For some advertisers, this may be small, and for some it may be enough.
TikTok advertising should be excluded here, where the audience to which you have access is of enormous size, so that must be included as a great advantage.
All in all, TimeBucks is a good platform, which is in our opinion worth trying.